Dragon naturally speaking software type
Dragon naturally speaking software type

dragon naturally speaking software type

NOTE: Once the transcription is complete, it may be necessary to make grammar, word, punctuation, and formatting adjustments.

  • The text is displayed while the transcription is in process.
  • The Transcribing window and DragonPad window opens.
  • dragon naturally speaking software type

    Click the Transcribe button to continue.The Transcription Options dialog box opens.Select the Voice Recognition menu item.Select the item you want to transcribe from the PC window on the right side.NOTE: If the file you want to transcribe is still on the Integrated Chip (IC) recorder (which will be reflected on the left side in the IC Recorder window), you will need to connect the IC recorder to the computer using the supplied USB cable, or transfer the file to the computer. Click the large square button to the left to start the DVE software.The Transcribe a Recording dialog box opens.From the Sound button, select the Transcribe Recording menu item.From the DragonBar menu, click the Sound button.Open the Dragon NaturallySpeaking software.Make sure that the Digital Voice Editor (DVE) software is not opened prior to starting these steps.Dragon NaturallySpeaking only transcribes ONE voice per user profile.You must have already set up and trained a user with the Dragon NaturallySpeaking software prior to transcription.All Digital Voice Recorders marketed 2011 and later must use the Sound Organizer software instead of Digital Voice Editor (DVE). This article applies to Digital Voice Recorders marketed in 2010 and earlier.

    Dragon naturally speaking software type