Flat butt anal
Flat butt anal

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My best guess is that the myth has come to exist from a warped game of telephone: Perhaps it’s been thought that anal makes your butthole bigger, and the more innocent among us interpreted that to mean your butt cheeks.

flat butt anal

Are people afraid of a bigger ass? Is it a means of convincing hesitant people that anal comes with benefits? Is having a bigger ass a mark of promiscuity? But this idea that anal makes your ass - the whole ass - bigger has truly stopped me in my tracks. Most of the time, they originate from fear, ignorance or unchecked cultural norms, and education is really the best tool to set the record straight. I’m usually rather understanding of these weird, obviously false sex myths. For example, “loose” continues to be a pejorative descriptor of a woman who frequently has sex, despite there being no evidence that the vaginal canal does any permanent stretching to accomodate dick at all. It’s not uncommon for people to believe that having sex induces some type of chemical transformation, particularly for women, or that sex can somehow change your genital anatomy. Who said anal makes your butt bigger? i see no results- ? October 20, 2019Ĭountless myths about the way sex “changes” you regularly make their rounds.

Flat butt anal